What is the first thing you think of when you hear (or read) “team building”? Why does team building, whether you spell it as one word or two, have such a negative connotation to so many? For those who are naturally active and/or outgoing, team building is often welcomed with open arms; however, for those who are introverted, and/or less athletically inclined, it’s often a cause of hesitation, fear, and anxiety. By conducting a series of short surveys, Matt garnered the common opinions, and misconceptions, of what team building is, and he’s sharing his findings, and solutions, with the world through his speaking engagements and his book, TAKE THE FEAR OUT OF TEAM BUILDING. Team building is more than zip lining, trust falls, and slide show presentations. This is not a stuffy lecture on why you should utilize team building, or a list of activities to take back to the office, but rather, an interactive (yes, attendees will partake in some simple, yet engaging activities) and engaging presentation.
Attendees will take away the following key points . . .
why “team building” is not a “bad word.”
what positive team building experiences entail.
a removal of fear and anxiety around both the words, and acts, of team building.
when and how to host a productive team building experience beneficial to everyone on a team.
how team building may provide a “mix up” of roles, responsibilities, & leadership opportunities.
first and foremost, team building can, and should, be FUN!
One or two “main” or “substantial” jobs within a lifetime was the way it was for past generations. Nowadays, we don’t stick with one company for our entire career. We may piecemeal together a perfect job, even though a solid title like "software engineer" doesn’t fit. We may change career paths, entirely. May started out reflecting back upon his life journey thus far, and the “mashup” career he’s had. A Type-A planner, it has been a challenge for Matt to accept that his path hasn’t been “typical,” and more often than he’d like to admit, he’s found himself comparing where he was in both his professional and personal life, with others. This led him to interview a variety of individuals of different ages, personal backgrounds, and professional industries, throughout the USA. Join him as he shares their stories, anecdotes, and some of the “mishaps” they’ve encountered, while reassuring you that your organic path is the “right way to go.”
Following the presentation, attendees will leave recognizing and appreciating that . . .
every individual’s path is his or her own.
there’s no one “right way.”
there’s no need to compare oneself to others.
regretting past decisions only holds one back from moving forward.
embracing opportunities, no matter how “off the path,” may result in better experiences than “planned.”
event host / emcee and lead facilitator of employee engagement / team building experiences including “Who We R: Live & In Living Color” virtual talk-show
event host / emcee of private events for groups of all sizes
weekly backstage tour guide and behind-the-scenes host onboard Norwegian Cruise Line’s Norwegian Dawn
host of “Discover Broadway” talk show, interviewing cast and crew members from touring Broadway productions
moderator of interview with stage and screen star Anthony Rapp at Broward County Library Foundation’s 2006 Literary Fest
behind-the-scenes host and moderator for group talk-backs with cast members of the 2001 national theatrical tour of the Broadway musical Crazy For You
professional educator of college and private preparatory school students
TAKE THE FEAR OUT OF TEAM BUILDING has been approved for Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® by SHRM.
TAKE THE FEAR OUT OF TEAM BUILDING has been approved for recertification points by the International Association of Administrative Professionals.