Team Building pays back "dividends" over and over, again!

One of our favorite stories, that we repeatedly hear, in various incarnations, is how our team building programs organically create lasting relationships among colleagues. It’s a terrific testimonial when a client calls three, six, or nine months after an event and an exchange along the lines of the following occurs:Client:  You produced a philanthropic bike build team building program for us at the such-and-such hotel eight months ago.PTB:   Yes, it was a terrific program and your group was so competitive. Everyone was exhausted, but invigorated at the end.Client: That’s right! Well, I wanted to let you know that just this week, the effects of the program “resurfaced.”PTB:   How so?Client:  At the event, “Joe,” from our New York office, was on a team with “Sally,” from our Los Angeles office.  Earlier this week, Joe had a problem with a client and remembered that, while they were interacting during the team building program, Sally told a story of how she handled the same problem, several months prior.  Joe, who only knew Sally as a name and email address from the West coast office, prior to our team building event, picked up the phone, called her, and asked her to refresh his memory on how she handled the situation.  She did.  He tried that tactic with his situation, and it immediately solved the problem.PTB:   That’s fantastic!Client:  I never would have imagined that bringing our two offices together, and having them compete in an engaging, energizing program where they built bikes for underprivileged children would find them communicating and collaborating all these months later . . . all due to them meeting in person, and bonding during the team building event!Ah, the power of team building!


Photo Scavenger Hunt


team building give-back