Server Up!

We had a blast with our Tournament of Champions experience in West Palm Beach, Florida, last week!

Tournament of Champions pits your participants against each other in a bracketed round robin of the game of your choice (volleyball, bocce ball, badminton, or dodgeball), slightly-modified and simplified. With multiple courts simultaneously in play for larger groups, competitors will feel the heat as they compete against each other for the championship title, and the gold medals. Whether it be the first airborne serve, or the resting place of the tossed pallino, strategies are formed and smack is spouted. Grab your team jersey and kick up your team spirit, as you head back to the playground for an afternoon of blood, sweat, and tears . . . OK, not really . . . just a lot of good, competitive FUN!

Whether you have 20 participants, or 2,000, we’ve got you covered, wherever you are!


Vroom! Vroom!


US Military Children’s Initiative